Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ways to remove acne

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases, resulting in irritation and inflammation in the first skin layer (epidermis), which is a change in the pores and sebaceous glands; so class fester under the skin swell and surrounded by a thin layer of the skin overshadowed from the surface, and this layer is the environment suitable for the growth of bacteria, which is filled with fatty oils space, these pills are usually in facial skin, and can appear on the shoulders, back and upper arms.

Ways to remove acne
At first you should try to find the cause of acne, whether it be because of hormonal, or due to improper eating habits; narrated by conducting tests hormonal or search for things that cause breakouts can get rid of the pills that are bothering you undoubtedly easily.
Bring water miracles for those who suffer from acne, the Violent drink at least two liters of water a day surprisingly you'll notice the erosion of grain from your face, and you can add some lemon to ensure greater results, Water and lemon will reduce toxins under the skin, and Akhalsank them and moisturizes the skin, and can be placed lemon peel mask Lilly also.
Make sure that your body gets a balanced diet; Valepeshrh first layers of the skin that shows damage them first, make sure you get an adequate amount of vegetables and fruits continuously, lasting and appropriate quantities.
Set up of fresh carrots and orange juice to supply your body with sufficient beta-carotene, which contains vitamin A, and vitamin B6, Many of the girls suffer from grain in the period leading up to menstruation, this Segnbehn these pills.
Place the mask of bicarbonate of soda; they are able to eliminate the bacteria, absorb fat, which is a major cause of acne; so are placed with water on the face for about ten minutes, and you can get from the bakery soda bicarbonate (baking soda).
You can focus on some of the grain such as Brazil nuts; it contains material help in skin regeneration Kalzenk and sodium.
Be sure to get a healthy body is not only what you eat from foods but by exerting sport; because they stimulate blood circulation, and save you from toxins through sweating, and pulls the skin and gratia freshness, and delay aging.
Insomnia of the most important grain emergence of marks on the face, so we maintained the levels and times of your sleep to be proportionate to your efforts and your age, to ensure skin pills without bothering you.
There are some special creams and lotions to remove the grain of the skin, and you will notice that not all formulations suitable for your skin, do not pour frustrated, and be careful in this matter and consult a doctor when needed.

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