Thursday, April 23, 2015

Alermadallo animal

Animal Alermadallo ..
Animal scientists noted that the female animal Alermadallo a South American animal looks like a hedgehog and give birth to always carry four embryos of the same sex, that is, they are all either male or female.

(Animal with shield) or animal Alermadallo (armadillo) is actually a small animal and three-word (Ermillo) in Spanish means (little thing armadillos) .....

It is the strangest facts about this little animal that, when exposed to the risk of not be able to drill a hole in the ground where it disappears quickly wrapped his body Kalkrh and tucked his head and legs inside the armored protects the ball to all parts of his body

It is rare in this case to be able to any animal other than his teeth or claws Nile him because Alermadallo roll the body in a last-ditch attempt to escape.

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