Saturday, April 18, 2015

Beautiful dove

Beautiful dove in the world
Dove is one of the most beautiful pet birds and closest to man, he knew homers foot on it was the postman (before the invention of post offices and mobile), and had a bath big role in the wars, especially in times when it was difficult to send a messenger or transfer any information from one country to another , carrier pigeon was trained to fly from one country to another, carrying messages, which is a small paper containing the text of the message is wrapped carefully around the pigeon's leg.

In these days of increased people's interest in raising pigeons as a hobby, a badly care of all kinds and forms, in many places people are taken such as the trade, there are types of bathroom rare or hybrid, which is difficult to get him to fetch up to some extent hard to believe, the best instead we trade these beautiful birds is to take care of their special attention to Nmta Ndharna them, and thank God for what excelled at left.
The consensus of opinion was crowned (dove Victoria) as the most beautiful dove in the world, a dove wild shape enchanting too, with a blue tint beautiful little indigo blue mixed with one hand down the neck to below the abdomen, in addition to blue cyan in the center of the wings and on the edge of the tail and this pigeon has a crown of feathers, which is above her head, and its shape is more like a peacock's tail when Vda, and its shape is close to the fan,
And the size of the Dove is the largest of the regular dove but a lot of people
Do not recognize it as a dove because of their large size and feathers thick fluffy, which increases the size, this pigeon is one of the oldest bath types are present since 1800, and Ablgrayb where the breed is very slow, they are bleaching in year one or two eggs egg and hatch her egg after thirty days, and this is not pigeon breed completed before the age of two, they are already slow reproduction.

It attributes this dove that they do not like to eat which is inside the cage, but like to eat a loose outside the cage, and fed the pigeon grain pulp fruits ground, otherwise inarticulate only limited even Mrbuha Atamunha apples cut fruit as well, and in return, they feed their young what is known as the (milk bath), which means consists vesicles inside the female and when to feed their young pumped through her mouth and put it in a small mouth, and this pigeon also like to live in a cold weather place high-Pacific.

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