Is the meat of goods that demand remains high continuously, but that demand is increasing day by day even if the increased price, so any linked meat earns in great demand, particularly if the quality of the meat a good project, and because of that most people are afraid of the subject imported meat and moves us from the diseases we hear them on a permanent basis (such as mad cow disease) and others, so the demand for meat is increasing municipal whatever the price rose, from that point and shows how important the success of the fattening calves projects if bovine or buffalo.
To help the success of the fattening you attention to the following:
Select the calves during the off-season and at a lower price must choose age-appropriate and provide her care. Choose calves important fattening for the success of the project should be the breeder to health and vitality and be long and deep hull huge legs wide and back (his bones and wide rear) integrated into the muscles and the line dorsal parallel to the line of abdominal and identify cheating way the market before buying, such as:
1) forcing the animals to drink the water in different ways such as placing salt on diets.
2) starve the animal for a long time and then provide green fodder even look good.
Calves also purchase price through a few buying season of the important factors that succeed economically fattening choose buying season because the high cost linked to the availability of green fodder Sifaostae with the availability of feed for breeders and get it at a reasonable price
The first season: half of April for the end of May last season clover is disposed a lot of calves and excellent state of calves for fattening give growth (about kg per day) of the best seasons economically for sale fattening phase lasts 5 months and sold in October.
The second season: During September and October and the end of the corn Aldraoh go through a period of drought two months until the emergence of alfalfa, but farmers need to sell calves to pay rent for the land, money and expenses Winter Agriculture
And the growth rate for the season (about 800 grams per day) this phase of five months breeding until February and March
Season: February after grazing alfalfa and cotton cultivation by no impulse calves sold in June and the rate of increase in growth to 700 grams a day, a few high feeding costs
Thirdly: choose life for purchase to be economically fattening fattening must stop when the fat composition starts fattening be costly and different age and weight of calves by animal type and diet fattening at the age of years begins and weight 180-200 kg
1. fattening clover:
When the availability of alfalfa breeders for the winter period, especially in areas where cultivation spread a little pricey, resort educator for the allocation of a number of calves rely on alfalfa only connects the desired results of fattening the low carbohydrates instead of injury calves constant swelling
You should be aware that:
1. change the composition of food must be gradual and for two weeks only.
2. When the grain is added time Alaolyllaliqh must be submitted gradually over two weeks.
3. You must be Mjrocha Jursca grain before serving.
4. It must be added a mixture of mineral salts and food at a rate of three kilograms per ton feed (food) - or 355 grams per 155 kg feed. You must always remember that the addition of mineral salts and vitamins for animal feed could lead to improved equipment performance and calves Enkhad mortality rate is very high percentage. And take advantage of the food and increase profit margins at the end of Portal also reminding must always make sure there is clean water well and permanently in front of the animals. Especially in the summer.
Fattening and also a process may need to be 12-11% of the total protein in the food. You also need to high-energy 75% digestible material. Always resort to the breeder fattening calves on feed. Can achieve high rates of growth rates even more than 1 kg in just one Yu.
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