Friday, July 24, 2015

Easy recipes for skin whitening

Skin whitening problem causing insomnia for many girls, especially if there is more than one color in the facial skin, which leads to awkward for many therefore always what his problem looking for a quick and easy ways to lighten the skin and will offer you recipes proven excellent results and some of which is used in beauty centers and some of them used since Old era has known how to use an old natural products from plants and herbs, fruits and their impact on the skin and freshness to you and distinctive recipes and proven

The initial recipe: milk powder white, honey, almond oil and lemon prepare a teaspoon of powdered milk and spoon the likes of white and half a lemon small honey we extracted the juice which is to be used and a half teaspoon of almond oil and is mixed ingredients well to get on the fabric appropriate and are the work of a mask which are placed on the face for five minutes ranging from ten to twenty minutes and then wash the face with water and find that the increased skin shine and freshness and should not be exposure to the sun after using the recipe for at least two hours

Recipe II: Using fat face with olive oil and half a lemon full juice is passed on the face of the open part of it so that the extracted juice on the face slowly and distributed with the warning from approaching the area of ​​the eye so that does not happen any complications of infections and is then wash face with water

Recipe III: components of white honey and glycerin and rose water and vinegar is prepared cup of rose water laced with half tablespoon white vinegar and five tablespoons glycerin and two tablespoons of honey we heat the honey and put the components it is a good mix them to get on the fabric appropriate and then placed on the skin and use the recipe for the face to the hands and two legs and is Nglifam plastic cover and leave the recipe for a period of half an hour

Fourth way: They are very successful with oily skin have proven experience their quality and their components is a whiteness full egg and juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of ground almonds well is mixed ingredients thoroughly mixed to obtain the homogeneity appropriate and apply to the face as a mask for a quarter of an hour after cleaning the face and leave the skin moist and are used once a week

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