Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How Asefi skin and my face

Many of the ladies grain appear on multiple areas of the body, and in the different age stages of them appears in adolescence enactment of young people can be in old age, which is about infections appear on the surface of the skin, with drilling on the face, and Zaaan, blackheads, show grain face, neck, chest, and arms, and specializes in stage age one, but can appear in multiple stages, and we'll display many of the causes that lead to the appearance of grain in the skin, and how to treat and purify the skin of them, and some natural recipes that can be done at home with ease.

And we will mention at the outset what are the reasons for the appearance of grain in the skin?

First: The reason for the emergence of grain as a result of that greasy skin; working to increase the production of hormones in the skin and the body in general. Most of those who have oily skin they show symptoms of grain.

Second, the use of the materials used for oily skin leads to the appearance of grain and pimples on the face.

Third: heredity factor.

Fourth: Cereals show the girl, especially in pregnancy, and lactation, during the menstrual period, and after menopause, and appear in adults and adolescents as a result of emergency on the body changes.

 After he learned about the causes that lead to the appearance of grain in the skin, Voadha can see signs by which to reduce the appearance of pimples and grain in the face:
1) First a quick and easy step and is working to remove all the fat from the skin is washing the face on a daily basis for 3 times, with the use of medical soap, pay attention to avoid the race because it works on the spread of toxins in the body, you must take a bath once or twice a day.
2) drinking enough water so that the skin Ay help purify water and beauty so that drinking three liters of water a day.
3) of the things that works to preserve the freshness and beauty of the skin is to eat fruits and vegetables, according to the quantities needed.
4) Development of natural materials on the face helps to remove grain and the liquidation of the skin.
And now we will mention some of the things in the house to work a normal catches and disposing of the grain in the skin:
1) salt: so as to use as a cleaner for the skin, and get rid of the oils in the skin, with the disposal of grain, so we put a spoonful of salt with two tablespoons of water, and placed Alyalepeshrh for a third hour.
2) Option: From Recognizer option that moisten the skin, softening, and prevents black pimples, we are human beings cucumber, and is placed on the face, eyes and neck.

3) a mixture of cinnamon honey: we are developing a mixture of one teaspoon cinnamon with a spoonful of honey, and is placed on the skin, and leave for the second day is washing the face in the morning.

4) Oatmeal: the most important of masks that work to get rid of grain and enjoy the pure and beautiful skin is oat mixture with water, placed for 3 times a week for twenty minutes.

5) Sodium carbonate: wash the face with soap and water, and is then a spoonful of sodium carbonate mode with two tablespoons of water, apply to the face and leave for twenty minutes, wash the face with cold water.

And We have got to know some of the reasons that appear including grains, the most important of oily skin and genetic factor, and we know the things by which they can reduce Ttather grain appearance, and how to get rid of these pimples through the work of some natural masks, and enjoy a net skin free of any impurities .

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