Saturday, August 8, 2015

5 diets keeps the cosmetics and make you a brighter and more attractive!

If we want to be more aware of the extent of Toteralbaih us, and prepare more efficiently and vitality in every morning, and reduce the amount of chemicals that we put on our bodies, or simply if we want to wake up and we are in the best our images, we can benefit from simpler procedures aesthetic in our food. According to a study made for (cosmetics safe), the average American women use 12 producer of personal care products a day, equivalent to about 126 chemical unique, many of which have been linked to certain cancers and reproductive problems.

There are a few simple dietary changes that do not need to take any extra time out of your day to apply, but you after a while you realize that you may not need to rely on many of the cosmetics beyond! Here are some suggestions:

1.llon Bron'zaji normal: When we were children, we thought that if we ate a lot of carrots, the color of our skin may turn to orange! In fact, it can lead carotene in fruits and vegetables with bright colors such as Aldzraly increase carotene content in your skin, giving it that beautiful color granulated to the heart, including many of the foods rich in carotene, sweet potatoes and pumpkin and red peppers and melons, some entry these foods in your diet may bring some of your desires to acquire Albroon'zaji color as that of your body you have to my exposure to the sun whenever you get the opportunity to do so.

2.lthasin nails appearance: Many women use nail polish to cover the unsightly nails, or nails tend to use aliases when they are natural nails brittle and break easily. Instead, try to drink a lot of water and that the protein sources Taatnola on a regular basis, which will help keep your nails from drying out they also give your nails strong rules. The diet includes a variety of fruits and vegetables provides your body the vitamins and essential minerals to prevent the break and pigmentation of nails as it supports the hair and strengthens growth, so we recommend consumption of foods rich in biotin such as almonds, tomatoes, beans, broccoli, and eggs, and lentils, peanuts and fish Salmon.

3.lchweh rosy every day: get the rosy lips from natural sources is no longer difficult, but unfortunately, stress and fatigue which we are exposed to two a day can affect the color of the lips, one that is fit pale, and to help maintain the natural color of the lips recommended to take the system balanced diet includes proteins, fruits and non-starchy vegetables and essential fats, also it does not hurt to add a little mineral salts to your meals. To enhance the color pink, it is advisable to consume foods rich in carotene such as carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin and red peppers and melons.

4.losinan white: Many of us know the foods that can lead to pigmentation and yellowing teeth like coffee, soft drinks and food artificial red wine and black tea colors, but there are other hand some foods that can actually help in teeth whitening, Kalkhaddar raw, they are bleaching teeth when chewed, and that based on a study conducted by Grenada University, that malic acid can increase production of saliva, which helps protect tooth enamel and remove the stains, and whiter teeth, try eating foods that contain maleic acid such as apples, grapes and pears, and tomatoes.

5.lakhva dark circles under the eyes: If we were to lack of sleep or stress or even to nasal congestion, are all reasons may claim to be dark circles under the eyes, which leads us to look for foods rich in vitamins (C, E, A, C) because they supports healthy skin under the eyes, can also be for fruit and vegetables are brightly colored such as strawberries, cauliflower and beets, grapes have to defend and protect the body from free radical damage, while foods such as legumes, nuts, seeds, and herbs can help keep skin elasticity and strengthening the walls of capillaries to prevent blood leakage.

In some cases, may be caused by dark circles, which we eat, not what not to eat, in our diet, where you can dark circles be under the eye sign of the sensitivity of a particular food, or the sensitivity of a chemical in the home or workplace. If this is the most likely cause, advised to make allergy tests and follow physician instructions If found the presence of the sensitivity of a particular food, and try to modify followed the diet.

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