Saturday, August 15, 2015

How can Nose

The large nose size may cause many crises for girls and women, as the interest in the appearance and aesthetics of the most important women's attributes in our time because of the storming of women to the labor market and their dealings with others dramatically and its attempts to find and achieve the same central practice is full of conflict and race to opportunities best, which requires self-conferred decent appearance and attractive features of confidence.

And shaken that confidence because of what you think the presence of women "defects" in the features, of course, there are no defects in the features, but the standards imposed by the women themselves and not to accept that the shape is what makes things such as nose size or the length of eyelashes things must be adjusted. But on the whole there are several ways to avoid the appearance of the nose size dramatically if affecting your dealings with others, especially if this deal is linked to practical and daily reality, and not just for the house.

First means: make-up.

Make-up is not only used to show the beautiful features in women, but it can be used largely to hide what you see women flaws in her face, there are many tricks that are known and carried out by cosmetic experts, and that depend on the development attractive to the attention of colors far from the region places desired in hiding or their orbits, and shading colors defective areas can be easily distractions. It can also be covering up the big nose by lengthening eyelashes and eyebrows intensify.

The second way: Ginger.

The most common recipe is to reduce the size of the nose is a recipe ginger, and which depends on the effect of ginger in hot melt fat, but be careful when dealing with those of the recipe where it may lead to severe infections in especially for women with sensitive skin nose area.

The main recipe in those fat nose Bzajabil in a mixture of water closer to the dough and leave it for a few minutes on the nose shape, and repeat the process every day, and the results of those prescription quickly show where the dissolved fat that region easily.

The third way: Surgery.

It is the most radical way in solving that problem, where those surgeries have become easy and simple, but the matter is not free from the risk of some complications where many of the women reported to have undergone cosmetic surgery. Also, the shape of the nose, which Takhtarenh will take you time until you used it, so that others as well get used to your new look.

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