Sunday, August 2, 2015

Orthodontics Laser

The Orthodontic Off type of dentistry studying the Sunni and astronomical distortions of the emergence of spaces and the accumulation and are processed to obtain the face of harmonic and smiles beautiful and Orthodontics is handling problems resulting from the Almtauajjh or competing tooth and the emergence of the upper jaw or open bite and ill-position jaw disorders of the joints of the jaw is considered the perfect time to dentures between 10 and 14 years of age calendar, Verde and mouth still are growing and are more susceptible to orthodontics.

The types Calendar, Orthodontics Laser:

The dentist processor directing laser light energy to the teeth or gums, which wants to be treated. Laser conclusive works as a tool or a solvent for tissues that passes by.

Laser treatment can be used for the following things:

Tooth decay: the laser is used to remove tooth decay and tooth to create charges.

Gum disease: lasers can be used as a tool to remove conclusive and modify the appearance of the gums.

Teeth Whitening: Laser works to save time in the teeth whitening process.

Remove tumors: You can use a laser to remove benign tumors and malignant if it happened inside the mouth.

What are the advantages of laser therapy:

1. It is often colorless laser treatment or a little pain. So it reduces the need for local anesthesia.

2. Laser treatment does not make noises, such as those issued by the rest of the dental drill tools. So the patient will be less tense.

3. Laser accompanied by bleeding gums, which reduces surgery.

4. During the process of a dental drill, the laser maintaining the sound of the tooth to be drilled parts.

What are the disadvantages of laser treatment at the present time:

1. You can not use the laser on teeth that have old fillings.

2. You can not use the laser to Almtsush entirely teeth.

3. The laser can not be used to prepare the tooth to receive the crown or bridge.

4-laser treatment does not sing completely from anesthesia.

5. cost of laser treatment are often higher.

Despite the inclusion of a laser as a means of dental treatment since 1995, and despite the prevalence of laser treatment in Western countries, but the American Dental Association did not give the full acceptance of laser because of the final proof of its safety. Announced the American Dental Association in the last statements that the Assembly "optimistic about the laser treatment but cautiously."

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