Friday, September 4, 2015

Mixture of lengthening the body

The short stature is very affected by the qualities of genetic factors, this is not only but sometimes it might be an obstacle in most cases, so many who are trying their short stature or even moderate stature get the body longer or reasonably high, and perhaps the most prominent ways to lengthen the stature sports several such as basketball, swimming or playing gymnastics and games repeated jumping, and there are many diets to reach the goal desired, such as eating radish with food and add garlic to meals of different foods, or eating pills avocado mashed with milk or with yogurt, are helpful tips to increase the length of the body, and we will cite Here recipe of herbs to prolong the body count in the (roots Alohoanga), which is also called the (Indian Alzhinsj), where she works to raise the metabolic rate and increasing the hormones and stimulate various enzymes responsible for poor digestion, is also working on the renewal of central nervous system activity and increase the capacity of cells red blood, add this to increase sperm count in men because they have the effect of Osteroydy Alkratiyanjn just as significantly, it also works as anti-oxidant, to keep the spinal cord with age and protect the body from harmful elements such as copper.


• roots Alohoanga

• sugar

• milk


• Some of the roots of clean Alohoanga brought Btahnha, and well filtered.

• Add the same amount of sugar to the ground Alohoanga ground.

• Heart mix well until it becomes homogeneous.

• Put the powder in a bottle or a box sealed.

Use of lengthening the body:

• Place two tablespoons of the mixture record in 200 ml milk and drink it daily before sleep. • Uses a day for 45 days to get the results

Comments :

• Do not use this solution before consulting a doctor.

• Uses at least 45 days.

• Reduce the use of fast food.

• uses bovine milk to get the best results.

Warning: Alohoanga may cause abortion, so do not use it before consulting a doctor.

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