Friday, September 4, 2015

Lighten under the armpit

Women were created and are mycoplasma on the love of elegance, thou shalt love the shopping and purchase what Iho her clothes, and especially when there are celebrations and occasions, but what if there is a problem preventing them from wear what you love or buy whatever it pleases and displays them embarrassment that has to wear writers or Sabah or dresses that show the area armpit where was the armpit painted Black will view her awkward really and will prevent it from enjoying costumed as it pleases, this problem has become very common among women, and darkening the armpit area of ​​the reason is due to several reasons and including illness such as diabetes, or because of the razor, or exposure to chemicals in hair removal creams, or because of sweating and poor ventilation of the armpit, or smoking, or costs, or because of a problem in the adrenal gland.

To remedy this problem, we must know first caused and to prevent it or keep away from him, such as moving away from the use of creams for hair removal, and good ventilation for the armpit and not left sweaty, and not Hlaguetha, and stay away from smoking, and treatment costs, and stay away from the use of abrasives race if there is redness, injure or infections on the armpit, and it causes problem satisfactorily must be increased doctor to help solve them, and can use lemon instead of air fresheners traditional race, which contain large components from harmful chemicals for the controls and caused his disease next Asamararh, by washing the armpit with warm water and Tnschwah then rub half a lemon on the armpit and will help to get rid of the smell permission Alht without the use of any kind of deodorants, job by rubbing lemon on the armpit and this also helps to get rid of darkening the armpit area, and It must before using lemon on the body to make sure he does not have any sensitivity to it and then use it in a simple on the skin, and that there was a significant heartburn should then wash the skin and the use of the sensitivity of cream and two days after the re-trial, also can use two tablespoons of sour milk to get rid of the darkening of the area by placing it on the armpit area for 10 to 15 minutes and then we washed, and this method is very effective to get rid of browning, and must be at work removing hair stop using lemon and this in anticipation of any kind of allergies or infections may it strikes him, and these mixtures can be used on all skin in the body and on the face and knee and elbow and brown other places, but you should pay attention to the lack of exposure to the sun in the case of the use of lemon to address the browning.

Natural recipes for skin whitening

Women interested in form, in general, and Bbchertha In particular, it is the first title of beauty, but it also had to be to get rid of all the problems that cause it, and certainly what we're talking about not talk about the cosmetics that are becoming more popular at the moment, but we We are talking about radical solutions that offer women an appropriate solution in order to achieve beautiful skin, and pure at one time.

Recipes for skin whitening:

Skin: is the title of the first woman, the only own way of dealing with others with confidence, pure Valepeshrh and even if it were not white make women feel as if at a young age, even if made by the old, and feel as if it is still young, but for skin lightening, it is important that you feel Women's beauty flows of them, and talk about Brightening does not mean that women turn from black skin to white, but at least a simple whitening, as well as unite in skin color, it is the sponsor change the psychology of women for the better, and makes it look like a mature, beautiful, and arranged in the same time, and there are many recipes that I mentioned books, and Internet sites for skin lightening, and her active role in improving the skin form and also eliminate blackheads and acne that accumulate in a certain age in the woman's skin, making it feel a lack of confidence, and instability that accompany them in their life .

Among the most important skin whitening recipes:

1-recipe yoghurt with honey: They work the mixture to unify the skin color, and open the closed pores, and clean the skin completely, making it look like a smaller all the time, also it gives the skin purity and clarity unmatched, yet continue to deal with the skin as such , it will be possible in the field of skin-lightening one degree every week, or two weeks, and this ratio wish women to get them, even if were not in need of it. This recipe is based on the development of the milk in a large dish, and a large hanging of natural bee honey, and should that honey is a natural, and be sure to this point, they are al-Faisal in this area, and after the national dear women by moving the mixture, until you get a semi-coherent mixture, Then Wash your face with warm water and Discard powders that were present, and after the national status Catcher them, and leave for a quarter of an hour, three days a week, and then Wash your skin well, without the use of soap or any of the chemicals, but Azmi This mixture is proven, and you'll notice the difference After several sessions, God willing.

How white rugby

Many women suffer from blackening behind and there are women think they can not handle it easily and without expensive costs, and some women may resort to laser peels to remove the majority of the knees or to the use of creams and beauty treatments prescribed by a doctor.

And cause darkening behind embarrassment for women and feel embarrassed by it and can not wear what you want, especially at events Ped wearing Shi covers the knees so as not this a black notes.

And this blackness appears on the knees because of our neglect to clean up this area of ​​the body and we believe they do not need to care, but the contrary is a great need for attention in order not to accumulate dirt and darkening consists knees.

In order to Ttakchi of blackness behind natural ways Aliki course to follow these steps: -

First, national peel behind on a regular basis once a week to Tsttiei get rid of the dead skin, and that by mixing the oil with a little salt and do Bdek behind circular movements and preferred Dekha brushing and without strongly Tfrckaha so as not to become dry your skin, and after Wash it with warm water behind.

Second: Be careful to hydrate your body and always using moisturizing creams or make-up remover, so keep up the softness of your body and your knees.

Third, national soak your feet every night with hot water and rub behind and after you're done nationalist drained well and grease your knees sweet almond oil is an excellent whitener for the knees, on your knees and leave it until the morning and then rinse and Put a moisturizing cream on the knee.

Fourth: You can also use lemon it opens and cleans the dark areas of the skin, Vqoma cut lemon and rub it on your knees until you lighten naturally.

Fifth, and you can also use olive oil with salt and rub the knee area for a week or two weeks until you get a peeling of the area behind and thus becomes a color lighter than before, due to the natural color.

Sixth: It is recommended that you do not sit on your knees for a long time and should be preferred in order not to increase the blackness behind you have.

And this was the most important tips and steps to Ttakchi of blackness behind in a natural way and you're at home and simple materials available in your kitchen, and provide on yourself to go to the doctor and do prohibitive price treatments prescribed by a doctor or laser treatment.

So try this natural way first and if it does not work for you and darkening stayed behind as Vqoma direction for cosmetic doctor to define what is your problem and treat you properly and fit your skin.

Method of peeling the body

Full care of the body is the first entrance to the world of beauty, and the skin is the most important part in the episode Care Almtakmlh, Skin of proper nutrition care begins at home, right down to the proper care of the outside, of peeling, cleaning, moisturizing, whitening, etc., is the peeling process It is the first operation in a series of maintaining the skin which is very important as working to soften the skin, and removing the causes of Achoaib spots, and help them to drink creams, and facilitate moisturizing, and receive make-up effectively, so I will review the most important methods of peeling for the body and the most efficient and effective.

The first way:
We can body exfoliation using creams Peel, an industrial chemicals, working to remove dead cells from the external skin layer, as it peeled dirt and impurities lingering on the skin, which helps to accelerate cell renewal, and gives the appearance of a bright and smooth skin, and so we get the best results using peeling creams there are some useful tips, such as: -

1. There are many brands, types of creams, peels and a lot of counterfeit and shoddy species, so before use make sure to buy a good quality in terms of the source, as well as make sure to be Nasph for your skin type the same if the skin of the type sensitive You can consult your dermatologist or pharmacist to find out the right kind, and do not forget that after the READ instruction well because they differ from one type to another, as well as Try initially on a small part of the skin so that it does not cause Taatokda sensitivity of your skin.

2. even gives a decent effect should be used on wet skin so nationalist pass taking the shower on your body then Take a little of the cream and Mrrrah gently with circular movements on your body, for not long, then rinse immediately with water and Taatrkih on the body because it causes dehydration and may result in itching and the appearance of grain later, and careful well that you can not use the peeling cream in the case of burns and wounds because they are chemicals and will have adverse effects on the skin, and until you get on the soft skin and soft Apply moisturizing cream or lotion body after bath peeling and thus you are have completed the steps exfoliation and moisturizing body successfully.

The second method:
Peel safe using natural materials, and that the peeling Brightening and cleaning such as salt, lemon and other property, here are these easy and simple method for peeling the body naturally:

1. Bring the amount of salt or sugar without grinding, and can use your body's salt, which is sold in pharmacies.

2. Bring a favorite of the amount of oil you have, for example Joseon oil for children, or rose oil, or any oil Thpinh.

3. There are additions you can put the mixture to taste like lemon juice is known for his ability to whitening and polishing, and the like rose water humidifier and supplier of skin, such as soaked chamomile known great for the skin its benefits, as well as a few drops of essential oils even Tkzbe refreshing and beautiful smell.

4. Put the ingredients in equal proportions, and then Zeiha on your body and Begin Baldek circular movements, for areas Kalrkph dark and elbow, rub a little strongly, sensitive and gently places and softness and Bakahaljsm.

5. After the completion of the peeling process, be sure to wash your body well of salt and sugar to avoid itching, irritability, there is no need to put moisturizer cream because this method peeled and hydrating for the body.

In the end, we find ourselves in front of many of the means and ways to keep our beauty, the most important of proper care, do not forget that the right choice, and the use of balanced and systematic whether natural or industrial Makecrat is soft, Luxor soft and shiny and clean skin.

Laser Facial peeling

The problems of the girls with respect to skin, hair and 
body and high-technology, they meet together often, in the markets, and at the hairdressers, and when cosmetic specialists, because technology is always working to facilitate people's lives, and Terviham and an end to all the small problems that make us nervous or worried, and when I talk about girls problems I enter in a large log of daily crises, which detain us for our work, such as non-ironed clothes, the hair is arranged, and excess hair around the body, and finally the many impurities that accumulate on the skin, such as fat and dead skin, and there are plenty of ways in which We can benefit from them to remove the dirt, many of which are natural and safe, but the effect is weak, or temporary, so resort girls to Alolcih the most effective, and that work on peeling the skin even deeper and deeper to get the soft skin layers, smooth and free of layers of dirt and fat, not a laser, what this means, and what positives and negatives, and results!?

The beginning of what is a laser? English word LASER is composed of first letter in each word of the phrase Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, which is electromagnetic radiation, his high energy and Zwaoah Not surprisingly short breakthrough to be used in many areas of life

Laser in the treatment of skin imperfections!? Laser is used in the treatment of many skin imperfections, such as sag, pills, patches, peeling skin bug as it works to improve the quality and feel of the skin, and give it a more vibrant color.

Laser skin peeling !! The laser in the peeling process to remove unwanted skin layers, and this process will be help for a facelift or replace them in the absence of traps surgery esthetic, and working laser when removing layers to increase the amount of collagen in the skin, and to treat some defects light, such as fonts Alsgah when the lips and under the eyes, as is useful in removing peeling Bhi effects of acne.

Peel of half an hour a process that takes two hours by position to be removal of it, according to the case of the skin and is usually performed in a single session, but some cases require several sessions of up to six sessions, and there is a local anesthesia in addition to the anesthetic into a vein.

Cases where peeling uses a laser.

1. Reduce wrinkles and premature aging but not Alterhlat

2. remove warts and freckles.

3. Remove stains and skin pigmentation

4. remove the scars caused by burns, old wounds

5. rid of skin imperfections such as acne.

There are some cases that should not be used, such as laser acne in active phase, and the like having excessive in burns, such as synchronization and with the use of some medications, and when it was preceded by radioactivity.

The effects of the laser peeling process: _ swelling and redness on the skin, as well as sensitivity to the sun, and be Akecro tingling feeling and a secondary symptoms will go in after

This process can be carried out once in life, and will retain their results with constant care and attention to skin .. From the above it is clear that can take advantage of peeling laser stopping the assumed instructions and hear the words of doctors and attention later skin.