Friday, September 4, 2015

Method of peeling the body

Full care of the body is the first entrance to the world of beauty, and the skin is the most important part in the episode Care Almtakmlh, Skin of proper nutrition care begins at home, right down to the proper care of the outside, of peeling, cleaning, moisturizing, whitening, etc., is the peeling process It is the first operation in a series of maintaining the skin which is very important as working to soften the skin, and removing the causes of Achoaib spots, and help them to drink creams, and facilitate moisturizing, and receive make-up effectively, so I will review the most important methods of peeling for the body and the most efficient and effective.

The first way:
We can body exfoliation using creams Peel, an industrial chemicals, working to remove dead cells from the external skin layer, as it peeled dirt and impurities lingering on the skin, which helps to accelerate cell renewal, and gives the appearance of a bright and smooth skin, and so we get the best results using peeling creams there are some useful tips, such as: -

1. There are many brands, types of creams, peels and a lot of counterfeit and shoddy species, so before use make sure to buy a good quality in terms of the source, as well as make sure to be Nasph for your skin type the same if the skin of the type sensitive You can consult your dermatologist or pharmacist to find out the right kind, and do not forget that after the READ instruction well because they differ from one type to another, as well as Try initially on a small part of the skin so that it does not cause Taatokda sensitivity of your skin.

2. even gives a decent effect should be used on wet skin so nationalist pass taking the shower on your body then Take a little of the cream and Mrrrah gently with circular movements on your body, for not long, then rinse immediately with water and Taatrkih on the body because it causes dehydration and may result in itching and the appearance of grain later, and careful well that you can not use the peeling cream in the case of burns and wounds because they are chemicals and will have adverse effects on the skin, and until you get on the soft skin and soft Apply moisturizing cream or lotion body after bath peeling and thus you are have completed the steps exfoliation and moisturizing body successfully.

The second method:
Peel safe using natural materials, and that the peeling Brightening and cleaning such as salt, lemon and other property, here are these easy and simple method for peeling the body naturally:

1. Bring the amount of salt or sugar without grinding, and can use your body's salt, which is sold in pharmacies.

2. Bring a favorite of the amount of oil you have, for example Joseon oil for children, or rose oil, or any oil Thpinh.

3. There are additions you can put the mixture to taste like lemon juice is known for his ability to whitening and polishing, and the like rose water humidifier and supplier of skin, such as soaked chamomile known great for the skin its benefits, as well as a few drops of essential oils even Tkzbe refreshing and beautiful smell.

4. Put the ingredients in equal proportions, and then Zeiha on your body and Begin Baldek circular movements, for areas Kalrkph dark and elbow, rub a little strongly, sensitive and gently places and softness and Bakahaljsm.

5. After the completion of the peeling process, be sure to wash your body well of salt and sugar to avoid itching, irritability, there is no need to put moisturizer cream because this method peeled and hydrating for the body.

In the end, we find ourselves in front of many of the means and ways to keep our beauty, the most important of proper care, do not forget that the right choice, and the use of balanced and systematic whether natural or industrial Makecrat is soft, Luxor soft and shiny and clean skin.

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