Friday, September 4, 2015

How white rugby

Many women suffer from blackening behind and there are women think they can not handle it easily and without expensive costs, and some women may resort to laser peels to remove the majority of the knees or to the use of creams and beauty treatments prescribed by a doctor.

And cause darkening behind embarrassment for women and feel embarrassed by it and can not wear what you want, especially at events Ped wearing Shi covers the knees so as not this a black notes.

And this blackness appears on the knees because of our neglect to clean up this area of ​​the body and we believe they do not need to care, but the contrary is a great need for attention in order not to accumulate dirt and darkening consists knees.

In order to Ttakchi of blackness behind natural ways Aliki course to follow these steps: -

First, national peel behind on a regular basis once a week to Tsttiei get rid of the dead skin, and that by mixing the oil with a little salt and do Bdek behind circular movements and preferred Dekha brushing and without strongly Tfrckaha so as not to become dry your skin, and after Wash it with warm water behind.

Second: Be careful to hydrate your body and always using moisturizing creams or make-up remover, so keep up the softness of your body and your knees.

Third, national soak your feet every night with hot water and rub behind and after you're done nationalist drained well and grease your knees sweet almond oil is an excellent whitener for the knees, on your knees and leave it until the morning and then rinse and Put a moisturizing cream on the knee.

Fourth: You can also use lemon it opens and cleans the dark areas of the skin, Vqoma cut lemon and rub it on your knees until you lighten naturally.

Fifth, and you can also use olive oil with salt and rub the knee area for a week or two weeks until you get a peeling of the area behind and thus becomes a color lighter than before, due to the natural color.

Sixth: It is recommended that you do not sit on your knees for a long time and should be preferred in order not to increase the blackness behind you have.

And this was the most important tips and steps to Ttakchi of blackness behind in a natural way and you're at home and simple materials available in your kitchen, and provide on yourself to go to the doctor and do prohibitive price treatments prescribed by a doctor or laser treatment.

So try this natural way first and if it does not work for you and darkening stayed behind as Vqoma direction for cosmetic doctor to define what is your problem and treat you properly and fit your skin.

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