Album (Latin: Strigiformes) Bird of prey are active mainly at night. He uses strong sense of hearing and the two big eyes which provide good night vision, in catching mice and rabbits and other small animals. Album soft blades allow him silent Btiran not Outs ordered. For some types whoop readily recognizable. Tawny owl were not only found in the forests. Today, we find also in the cities, where they hunt mice and rats. In the daytime, and rest on the trees in the gardens. Boom live Burrows and his native North America, South America burrows in the ground. Digging a burrow himself or borrows it added another abandoned, such as the American turtle animal. Boom important, or bum barns, nest in buildings, or in tree cavities or nest in an abandoned hawk. Head bum important round helped him to hear prey. When fishing owls prey to Frakhh carried in the nest. Album to turn his head in a semi-circular motion when listening to the sounds around him can. , Snowy owls live, or white pole and nest on the ground, and subsists mainly a kind of rodent named Allamus
Album in the Arabic language
Bird frequent appearances at night and ruin lives, and exemplary in the Banshee and the ugliness of picture and sound and set an example in the album also wisdom in other civilizations. (Which applies equally masculine and feminine). (C) Boom. (Gigi) Abuam. Albwam: said: Boom Boam: voices
In the capacity of any person to distinguish Owl first glance great Emerge broad, and cordon feathers surrounding the eyes, which looks like a saucer. This ring is known facial disk, which reflects the sound towards the nostrils authorized Owl. In some species have facial disk and opened a very large ear.
Owl Eyes differ from the eyes of other birds in the large size and in the direction of both eyes forward, where you can see things with both eyes at the same time, any double vision like a human, but can not move the same and so must move her head to follow moving objects. For the owl long cilia on the upper Ajafunha, and can be closed out her eyes. The eyes of the owl earn appearance dignity and wisdom, and the owl was considered a symbol of wisdom long ago. The ancient Greeks believed that the owl sacred to the goddess Athena, goddess of wisdom they have. In fact, the blue birds clucking and ravens and crows olives and many other birds smarter than owls.
The bum short and thick and strong bodies also has the beaks hook and strong Ergela with sharp claws called clutches, and some owls tuft of feathers on her head, often dubbed the ears or horns and often Matjal those birds appear larger than its true size. And color feathers Album Irbid opaque to approve its environment and night activity.
Owls and night vision
The common among people that the album is able to see in the dark completely, and this is not true, there must be a light so he could see. In fact, the album is able to see in the light scarce, Fienah Almtsatan can photograph Ohn capture light rays. Scientists have discovered recently, something strange in the audio potential of bird album, it was noticed that the eye is located in an expanding circle center, resembling a dish cup of coffee; and it became clear to them that this dish is super sensitive receiver weaker voices, assembled, and connected to the ear. If we add this to the potential for the same ear, an advanced device that can identify the precise sounds, completed the bum tools fisherman Maher; if I heard the owl sound of prey movement, and spotted her eyes location, they denounce, in a jiffy, the newest fighter jet, to snatch the animal, unlucky , between the claws. In order to complete the element of surprise, the owl, the raid killed, does not make her voice raises attention; the blades wingspan is very soft, and hits the air in a softer, do not have wings Almrverwan voice heard. In addition, the owl does not need to hit the air, or because flapping, often wings; Valjnahan senior enough, so they Isttien be downloaded body easily, you see the owl hover and maneuver in the air, smoothly exquisite, as if it were a glider.
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