Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saqr free

Types of Saker Falcon and many difficult population, and free of the largest Alsqriaat Falcon, the largest of Lanner Falcon Falcon almost lime-sized amounts to a length of 47 cm CM to -57 and up along the wing, about one and a half meters and space as space wing wing Falcon lime.
Free and females larger than the male, so the length of females up to 16-inch length of male Saker Falcons to 14, and put the female free from 3 to 6 eggs and these chicks these eggs gradually so as to come out of a rare and Allziz and tobacco and Mahkor.

Types of Saker Falcon
They differ in the types of falconers hawks thermal terms of shape and color, but agreed to spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula types, namely:
1-net: which fined the face of Da'og and goodwill of Alhoada or Alriqat and Znabah of Adakkouk Alriqat or as they say.
Colors: Clear, lit, net blond, red net.
2-Shami: It Maachtlt described the qualities of the net.
3-Persian: This is what was in the wing feathers or the so-called (blades precession) and circular shape Daquq regular distribution along the lead in bird feathers (called ring or tighten Knight Knight), a species that characterize the bird.
Colors (red Persian, Persian lit, Persian blond) and have him Persian net which fined the face, back and Znabah with a tightening of Persia.
4-Algroudi: a speckled bird species of thermal Riqath Mntizma be different in two colors on both the back of the head of the shoulder blades to mutual Alznabh between colors and lines to be accidental.
Colors (red graffiti, graffiti lit, Grody blonde) with the stability and Godalriqat in the back.
5-white: a color from the color bird free is the most desire value when falconers and be: (net or Chami or Persian or Grody with Alriqat stability in the back for the graffiti, but the color predominantly white. Each platoon of these factions have different colors and is determined by the Gtar Jhamh in color and sometimes birds and bird said Mgtr or Mjhm or plain or fierce.

Female put Falcon (the so-called hawk which is used for fishing either male called the carp, which are smaller than the female), three eggs per year and the first Chick-called AVI or full-called trimer second, third, and be smaller and so-called tobacco.

Aattabrahar is the best types of hawks and falcons more patience and endure hunger and disease resistance, which Ajmhin terms of form and its price is very expensive, especially if it was blond or black. Free also features a so-called when falconers (b (sortie)), a launch speed of up to 300 km / mph, but this speed quickly fade with the passage of time.
Saker Falcon better in attack, where he knows the weaknesses of its prey and can stay away from the nest in more than 10 km of the fishing season and endemic plains and highlands

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