Saturday, February 28, 2015

What is Spider

Araneae (Latin: Araneae) rank of Ankabiyat row, the largest rank in this class, if you include the more than 40,000 species in the genus 3700 and more than a hundred species [1]. Small animal and said Arachnid claims the female partner are spider, which build the house, and the number of threads up to 400 thousand thread and length of 20 cm per thread. Of the eight-legged spider and four pairs of eyes, yarn used to catch their prey on strings and is considered one of the strongest natural fiber. Has no wings or members of chewing. It does not belong to the insect row but to Ankabiyat a branch of arthropods. It thus has a kinship with scorpions and ticks and Alalsus and some marine arthropods. Platoon spiders scattered and diverse, living in all climates, and on every level rises, and there are about 500 species in Morocco, of which about 380 known species belonging to 30 out.

Do not cause harm to humans, with the exception of some species (about 200 of 40,000 only type) is the most famous black widow. Spiders, though unloved creatures in humans, but it is his girlfriend, and some even went to far as to say that he would otherwise what was the man on the ground is stable; because they spend most of their time in catching insects and their lethality. Vlolaha proliferated to insects and destroyed everything and everybody.

Network and Fishing
Floss Hariri, which weaves its Spider Btfnn network, is really a yarn wrapped on each group, Vsmk human hair more than the thickness of spider thread 400 times. However, these yarns, soft and viable stretch of twenty per cent of its size without rupture, and despite the severity of her paper and transparency, are the hardest natural fiber at all, and have a bearing strength of the strongest pressure until the durability of steel, so-called steel diversity. The female spider is that you weave this thread Hariri, by three spindles lower abdomen, connected to a small glands, secrete a substance that make up the threads.
The female spider network engineering and woven, high-skill, thread curved or straight, order harmonic distances between them, the wonderful circular or tri-form design. Where he used pressure her stomach, to pay silk thread out of the six glands located in the stomach, and are joining the party first thread, known as the bridge, leg herb, or a leaf, then fall to the ground with Tuft, a continuous knitting process, then go down to the ground and ascend to the other point is high, to pull the thread strongly, and correlates in place well using adhesive graduated from one of the glands Oadha.vtqom first install a lock, horizontally always, then two threads Haririn fall in each of the parties to the first thread, to create another bridge is lower than The first, which will become a working network basis, then you spin yarns several inside this Action Network, to meet the threads together in the middle, and here comes the smart work, where you put the glue on the outer strands of the network only, and when you are done entirely from the network making complement process put glue on the inside and on some sections only, leaving a place to move it easily, after completion the network, the Ankpoth making a small nest of her nearby, and usually you wrap the leaf and made itself at home a comfortable bed of silk; because they of course have to wait long before the arrival of the first victims and, finally, the connecting thread between the alarm nest fabric, even feel any Ahatzaz may occur on the fabric to know the thing that will deal with him, because of the sharp weakness in the vision then Ankpoth rely on other senses to determine the characteristics of the prey.
If the massive and deadly release her from afar, but that was a big nor eaten Keliesub Vstlvha silk brocades from afar as well, using a member of a specialist is another cluster gland shape, straining insect prey themselves trying to escape from the trap, then Ankpoth start progress towards it via secure threaded that left to itself without adhesive, (and if seashell that mistake once and put legs on the adhesive, the body Sievers material like oil works as an analyst chemist for the glue, help her move freely once again) and injected spider prey Sama crippled the movement, and then emptied the saliva that dissolves the internal organs of prey, Vtemtsa fluidly, Vtaatkhals structure of prey cava. The process of digestion then carried out her stomach, and therefore retains vivid Pferaúsha, in order to stay fresh.

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