Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Atlantic Canary

Canary or Kanar or Nagar Canary Canary or Atlantic (scientific name: Serinus canaria) (English: Atlantic Canary), is a bird belongs to (platoon: Fringillidae), and the home of the original Canary is the Azores and the Canary Islands and Madeira Islands. These wild birds, yellow-green color with a brown stain on the rear. All factions in the joint families and there are some differences in the colors.

The length of the bird Canary 12.5 cm, and the length of the wing 20-23 cm and weighs 15-20 g [5] and said a big head Canary colored in green and yellow, and the front face painted yellow. The lower part of the abdomen and tail, color white, and there are some dark spots on the upper Alojnab.walojza gray and green color with some Alsodaalardav marks Safrai.walonty similar to the male, but her head and chest Lower gray and yellow parts. And the birds of the Canary small brown with dark spots.
Compared with a bird-serine near the Canary bird-the Canary Laker 10% and longer dark, color, more than both secrets, and the blades Alknariyarmady and built more than serine, and suites Canary relatively shorter than both secrets wings.
The Singing Canary peep beautiful singing like a bird serine and birds Alzebra.

It is the earliest birds to serine EU can two have been studied factions bird Canary scientifically by "Carlos Linus" in "Systema Naturae" was launched on these birds "Fringilla Canaria" but then it was classified birds for sex serine "Seriinus". That Antja hybrid strain fertile.
Bird has been renamed to name the Canary Islands and not vice versa, and the name of the Canary Islands, was originally derived from the Latin name "canariae insulae" (dogs) Islands and the first is called "Arnubis" a reference to the large dogs that were raised by the indigenous population of the island. The naming Canary yellow or light yellow has been named the bird home Canary name. (Ie the origin of the word Canary Latin word "canariae insulae" then fired at this beautiful yellow bird was then renamed Enary light yellow color)

Endemic bird Canary "Canary Islands" and "Azores" and "Madeira" in known as the "Micronesia" Macaronesia in the eastern Pacific region Alattuny.atoagd Canary in the Canary Islands in the following places: "Tinerfi" Tenerife and "No Gomera" La Gomera and " La Palma "La Palma and" Alhiero "El Hierro, but most exist in Gran Canaria" Gran Canaria and is rarely found in "Lanzarote" Lanzarote and "Verut Ventura" Fuerteventura, which began to exist and grow them in the period Alokhirh.oma in "Madeira" Vioagd Canary In "Port Santo" Porto Santo and "Aldezertas Islands" Desertas and "Alsalvaj Islands" Salvage. and resides Canary in all regions of the Islands "Azores" Azores The preparation of birds Canary in the previous places are as follows: 1-80,000 to 90,000 a pair in the Canary Islands 2 -mn 30000 to 60000 in the Azores a pair of 3-4000 to 5000 in a pair of Madeira.
The birds of the Canary environment are pine forests and laurel forests "laurel" and dunes Alerjih.okthira what those birds are located in a semi-open spaces such as small as trees "orchads" and "copses". He also found in man-made places such as parks and 760 on the Canary Almtenshat.ottoagd distance meters from the sea surface in Madeira 0.1100 meters in the Azores and 1,500 meters in the Canary Islands.
And spread the Canary in Mead Way Atul "Midway Atoll in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands when it was launched this bird left in the Hawaiian Islands in 1911.oukd has launch birds left in the neighboring" kure atoll "Islands of the previous Islands but did not spread the reverse Alawly.oadkhalt Oadhaely Bermuda in 1930 and soon began to multiply, but began less than in the 1940s after a ruled insects Alskal "scale" on the cedar trees in Bermuda and in the 1960S all birds Canary died in Bermda.oadkhalt factions of the Canary to "Puerto Rico" Puerto Rico, but has not yet spread There.


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