Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Insect dragonfly

Life cycle

Put female dragonfly insect eggs in water or near it, and often on the plants floating or submerged. Some species immersed themselves in the water completely when laying eggs in order to lay their eggs on the surface of the well. The eggs hatch and then graduated nymphs. Under the insect dragonfly most of her life on a fairy underwater shape, using Vkiha who are the extension of fishing Allafaqariatalokhry (mosquito larvae often), or even vertebrates such as small fish and frogs. [3] as they breathe through gills in their own rectum , and can drive itself suddenly quickly expel water through the anus. [4] and can play some nymphs fished up on the ground, [5], a talent that was more common in ancient times, when the predators ground is ingenious.

The larvae of insects large dragonfly stage may be delayed for a long period of five years. It can larval stage lasts in the smaller two to three years the species. When preparing the larva stage or the other emerging to mutate and to engage in the process of puberty and starts climbing bamboo or other tender plants. Exposure to the air causes the larva start breathing. Skin also split twice in the head and behind the point moult and large insects dragonfly larvae from the skin of the old and the uniqueness of their wings and fly for Nutrition fleas and flies. Can pay the amount of insect dragonfly in flight itself in six directions, up and down, forward and back and side to side. [6] can continue to adulthood in large species of insect dragonfly for five or six months.

Dragonfly small insects and insect disease

Sometimes be confused with insect disease (Damselflies) Small (monotonous small Alraashat), and usually smaller than an insect with dragonfly insect dragonfly, which got rid of the hair on the body. In spite of this, when an insect dragonfly get rid of her hair it shows growth is complete. There are some other differences that distinguish them from others: carrying most insect dragonfly wings leaning together over the trunk or remain unfolded a bit) like (platoon to Istidia), where most of the insects dragonfly wings perpendicular to lean on the body, or sometimes horizontally with a slight drop forward. The rear wing of an insect dragonfly also accommodates near the base of the tail to the body contact points, while the rear wing of small tremors of an insect-like front wing. The eyes are small insect Parkinson spaced while in insect dragonfly eyes are Mtlamsh. There is a clear anomaly in a platoon Batallordia (Ptlah tail) and a platoon Jumvaidya (Hrolah tail).
Measured by the size of insects greatest living Eliesubaat through the wing (wingspan) In fact, the insect Parkinson larger exist in South America, and its scientific name Megaloprepus caerulatus (Drury, 1782), while the female insect dragonfly is considered the second largest in terms of arrogance and its scientific name Ttrakanthajna Blajaata (Tetracanthagyna plagiata) (Wilson, 2009). Considered Female T Blajaata (T. plagiata) is the most dangerous insects live dragonfly likely. [10]


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