Saturday, April 11, 2015

Bird Casuarius

It is a huge bird is unable to fly, which is the second largest bird in the world after the ostrich, with a weight of about 60 kg, grows sometimes becomes longer than the adult human. 3 has a strong tentacles in every foot of the longest length of 13 cm. Usually feeds on fruit eats insects, frogs and small animals and fungi mushrooms. Is a bird can not fly is considered the most dangerous birds birds Alchbanm the world where it is estimated to fatally beaten immediately. Bird is very aggressive and very fickle mood to the point, especially if he felt boxed or if bruised. Difficult to be kept in zoos bartered for eight pigs or catches the locals to offer dowry for marriage

Bird Alchbanm large flightless bird, dating back to the rainforest in New Guinea and nearby islands as well as the north-east of Australia, but this bird three living species is extinct most famous southern Alchbanm, which is the third bird in length, and secondly in terms of weight, there is no However, a bird larger than the ostrich and the Alamo.
Alchbanm feeds mainly on fruit, an omnivorous animal feeds on plant and animal materials, it eats twigs and cereal herbicides, fungicides, as well as invertebrates and small vertebrates. And Alchbanm very timid animal, but if subjected to inconvenience may cause very serious injuries to dogs and humans.
And Alchbanm Balnaama similar but smaller ones. A height of five feet (meter and a half). Feathers blackish brown, almost the closest thing to the hair. Semi-helmet on his head bone huge. The head itself, and also the neck, Vogerdan vibrant colors. Qaúmtah are powerful are able to eliminate the human and quench his breath. Couples live in pairs, or in groups, and fed fruits and small animals

Native to Australia and New Guinea's forests.

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