Saturday, April 11, 2015


Fish (c. Fish; and one fish) .asamkh is any member of that group of organisms populist similarities which includes all aquatic animals with gills and cranial lacking to related parties fingers. And falls under this definition eel fish, eels, fish and cartilaginous and bony current, as well as various extinct related groups of fish. Most fish are Ectotherm objects ("with cold blood"), allowing their body heat difference with changing ambient temperatures, despite the fact that some big fish actively swim like white shark and tuna can keep the degree underground temperature higher than the ambient temperature. [1] [2] Most species of fish have bones and some other species, such as sharks have no real bones are even chondrocytes. Some fish are small length of 1 cm or less, others large and long in length up to 15 meters and weigh 15 tons, as in the shark and the whale.
Fish is available in most bodies of water. It can almost be found in all aquatic environments, from high mountain streams (eg, char and thickness gobies) to the abyssal and even Alkhndeghih of the deepest oceans (eg, Eel ingested fish Anglerfish). Also some fish live in fresh water in Lakes, rivers and marshes, others live in salt water in the seas and oceans. There are about 32,000 species of fish, and thus more diverse than any other group of vertebrates. [3]
Fish supplier of important resources for human beings all over the world and more types is a key food for humans. And fish species that are more desirable than others are carp and cod, herring and sardines and tuna. The Professional Hunters and Ulkipavion hunt fish from wild fisheries (see fishing) or Bastzeralla in ponds or in cages in the ocean (see aquaculture). And are also caught by recreational fishing or sports lovers, or to keep them as pets by hobby fish lovers, or for display at the public docks. Fish has played an important role in culture through the ages, Fozvt of divinity and in the religious symbols, and also employed in the arts, books and movies.
The word "fish" or "fish" is a term that is defined negatively, and excludes quartets legs (such as amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) which descend from between the folds of the same advances. So it is a quasi-populist term, did not reflect the dynamic sound rating in the science of the regular neighborhoods. Other traditional terminology such as Asamkiat pisces (or ichthyes) are typical Nmtiho terms, but they are not classified in the science of evolution breeds. Some other species of animals that live in the sea, such as sea stars and jellyfish also called fish but not fish. Molluscs also objects with various coincidences like shellfish, and crustaceans such as shrimp, shrimp and crabs are not fish.
The oldest living organisms that can be classified as one of the fish is limp body chordates that first appeared during the Cambrian period. Although they lacked a true spine, they possessed Ropes dorsal allowed them to be more flexible than their counterparts of invertebrates. Fish continued to develop during the initial period, and a wide variety of forms of shapes. Many of the initial era fish developed external shields to protect them from predators. The first fish her jaw appeared in the Silurian age, and many of them later became (such as sharks) predators enormous freely instead of being just a prey to the objects of arthropods Division.

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