Tortoise or turtle or tortoise creepy cold-blooded, their body is protected Bdriqh solid, there are two types of the first wild turtles and some water and marine turtle called in classical Arabic: dugong, and in the vernacular: marine turtles. Share turtles in the same characteristics of all reptiles, including: breathe Britin (terrestrial and aquatic turtles too), her heart is composed of two Ovenin and ventricle one, adapted her body temperature with the outside center, have reinforced leather Bhrashiv horny, lay their eggs in the almost dry place nor embraced, its structure consists of bony tissue.
Some characteristics
Not for turtle teeth but semi-strong beak may force up the pressure to 80 kg grind its food. On the ground, move the turtle slowly because of the short edges and the weight of Drguetha therefore exemplified by the slow and also hits the proverbial rabbit in a sprint so frequent anecdotes that tell the world about the race between the tortoise wins despite its slowness because of her insistence. When wild tortoise be Aldriqh like dome in the Sea Turtle be flatter and smoother to fit swimming in the water. Largest turtles live in the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean, some up to two meters in Ataiwl.bed aquatic turtles live in fresh water rivers and mostly live in the seas and oceans.
Consists of horny plates solid monolith, which covers the turtle's body to protect it. It can also find out the age of the turtle after the geometric shapes on the surface of the shell, just like the tooth count in horse promised circles inside the trunk, the tree after cutting.
Wild turtle in Samu
Aquatic Turtle
Intervention in the wild turtle hibernates during the winter months and are rarely seen during the winter months.
Where not eat something along this period
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