Is the rank of invertebrate animals belong to the range of arachnids, his eight feet, and live in hot, dry areas, hiding in burrows and crevices, under stones and rocks, a petition to moisture, and to avoid the heat Achamms.atoagd of scorpions in the world around 2000 Noa.mazm scorpions, poisonous as it exists poison gland at the end of the tail and bite some species very serious human snake bite in comparison
Most scorpions proliferate in sexual males and females participate, though many types of scorpions multiply reproduction Bakra.fa mating time, looking for Female Male Scorpio, and when it finds, courtship begins (sermon) behavior. In some species Taatkabl male and female face-to-face, abdomen and lift the air and move in a vicious circle. Then, from male to female by making something and start to move forward and backward. These movements can last about 10 minutes. Scorpio need several months or even more than a year so take full status. The female can put in all the time from 2 to 100 small scorpions, depending on the species. At birth climb events that do not Taatjazo few millimeters afternoon her mother. There remains to be the first step that take place between the first sessions of the fourth week of age. And then gradually when leaving the maternity protection. Cree in some areas that are devouring native son because thrive on the back, which is a pure lie. Sexual maturity is reached in about 6 months to 6 years, and the transition from 4 to 7 times more. Some species can live up to 25 years. The most deadly diseases of scorpions is due to predation by other animals such as birds, snakes and amphibians. Poison that they use to the families of the victims, is also used as a defense against these enemies, and that has not always been successful. When born Scorpions are not valid for independent living, because they are still embryos. Their bodies are filled with a substance, which would put the completion of development and abandonment of the mother. In addition, their movements are slow, because the legs of some posters bearing can confirm the trunk of female bodies and non-developed jaw.
Black Scorpion
Omaalakrb be black presence: Mataatoagd often in the daytime, like digging a hole and sleep in it at night apply to research on prey, and are spread in North Africa and the Middle East.
The feed: Matakrj usually at night to search for prey Vtaatsara with dill, and if upheld will be their prey. And if he could dill biting tail scorpion battle ended in his favor. And also eat scorpions of the same sex, as well as spiders, and sometimes small lizards, as well as different kinds of beetles.
Total Height: 8-10 cm
Where to find: in the daytime like digging a hole and sleep in it at night apply to research on prey and be spread in North Africa and the Middle East.
The feed: Graduated at night to search for prey Vtaatsara with dill and be upheld if their prey and dill if he could bite off the tail of the scorpion battle ended in his favor. And also eat scorpions of the same sex, as well as spiders, and sometimes small lizards, as well as different kinds of beetles.
Senses: scorpions do not see, vision is very weak, they do not hear or smell, but will depend on the acoustic vibrations and vibrations to determine the direction of their prey.
Black Scorpion live alone.
Labelling: poison consists of enzymes and compounds, some of which cause excruciating pain for stung. Where the body numbness and spoil his breathing and his heart rate.
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