Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Assad large animal species from cats and one of the four big cats belonging to the genus Tiger (Latin: Panthera), which is the second largest cats in the world, after the tiger, where it exceeds the large male weighing 250 kg (550 lbs). Most of the remaining wild black today live in sub-Saharan Africa, are still one small population threatened with extinction live in Asia state of Gujarat in northwest India. It was home to very black vastly in the past, where it was found in North Africa, the Middle East, and Western Asia, where extinct only a few centuries ago. Until the beginning of the modern era (Holocene, about 10,000 years ago), black was considered the most prevalent major mammals land after the human, where it was found in most parts of Africa, many parts of Eurasia from Western Europe and down to India, and in the Americas, from the Yukon until Peru .
Black long life varies depending on their sex, Valbawat that live in a safe protected such as the Kruger National Park areas have up to between 12 and 14 years, under any circumstances exceeded the risks and hardships of life Cubs, while males do not exceed 8 years of her life only rarely. However, there are documents showing that some of the lionesses lived until the age of 20 years in the wild. Black inhabit savanna grassland and land normally, but it may be present in the territory of scrub trees and forests in some cases.
Largely considered black social animals compared to other members of the family cats, and called the family group of black "clique" in Arabic, is composed of females are linked through kinship (sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers ...), a number of young, and a few males seriously. Female hunt with each group often, where major Alhaferjat prey whole, but they may resort to Tqmam that she had the opportunity. Assad is a predator or a major superstructure (not pounce any other living organism), and some sort key or Imadaa (animal species that underpin the existence of the rest of the species on the balance of its existence with her in particular) ecosystem. Despite the fact that the black man is not considered a natural prey it has often avoided, but it is known for some of them it has become for humans ate in specific cases.
Black is classified as endangered species degree minimum, where the unit rose decline in numbers from 30 to 50% in Africa during the past two decades; and is hoping the remaining populations outside protected areas and national parks is very weak. Although the cause of this decline is not so much a concept, but the loss of housing and conflict with humans are considered more exciting reasons to worry. Black was kept in menageries since the days of the Romanian Empire, as it was from the late eighteenth century, and still is, the main types of people that seek to display in zoos across the world. Cooperate a lot of zoos around the world currently breeding Asian black endangered by subjecting them to intense mating program.
Assad can distinguish male from female super easily by looking, the former has a mane (hair around the neck), while not a mane of a lioness. The head of the male lion is one of the most widespread in the animal symbols of human civilization, where he appeared in many literary works, sculptures, drawings, flags, and in contemporary literature and film. In some cases, used the male image, even if the asset to be female show, because the male mane distinctive differentiate between this type of cats and other big ones.
However, it also was shown a lioness and described in the early writings of human and graphics, where it is considered valor fishing itself, and often portrayed in the fight against it or collected recipes tenderness between the cubs and the ability to overthrow the enemy higher volume. The Allbaat most of the fishing group, which cooperate with each delicate and complex manner to catch Pferasthe. The evolution of each of the specific lioness hunting skills to play a role assigned by the technology used by the fishing Zmrtha, usually plays the same role during most of the fishing operations. Description lionesses emerged as a fish in one set thousands of years ago, where Earliest these descriptions to drawings and sculptures found in the cavernous Lasso and Chauvet in France, which dates back to the late Stone Age.
Subsequent humans have observed these habits and qualities in Allbaat, Vsourt civilizations that were found in the same areas where black Qtntha more aggressive gods of war, in addition to their fighters, the image of a lioness, where male rulers were styled "Son of a lioness."
One example is derived from the oldest recordings started Egyptian gods Sekhmet, Baht, Tefnut, and Mschent, Abdul was the ancient Nubians Apadamak man with a face or Assad. And likely that there was a similar gods they have all in Libya. The other Egyptian gods extremely complex, where to take a variety of aspects, as a woman with a lioness or lioness take certain conditions.
He described many of the big cats that appear in ancient sculptures and graphics as Tiger, but when checking in those pictures it appears to have the boat under any circumstances was a lock of hair on its tail. This trait characteristic of the black cats of the major all, and when the cat has this trait in the picture does not have the mane, this shows that it is certainly lioness despite what analysts say his contemporaries. The presence of stipple on the body of those cats in fees does not confirm that they (LTTE), as the Cubs have the Rqta rosy shape also, so it is when trying to determine cats Representative in the pictures or sculptures type must always make sure the tail, there was a lock of hair on etc did not have the Animal mane to be drawing to a lioness, and that this trait does not exist, it would be a tiger.


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