Saturday, May 2, 2015

The proliferation of horses

The Arabian horses of the most beautiful horses are absolutely enormous patience and ability to endure hunger and thirst and to cope with the atmosphere.
So it must be preserved to maintain their offspring.
And that the most important factors that help in improving animal veins are good nutrition and good health care and good election parents.
And must genitals are in male natural condition and be its consideration of a sharp and breathing well and chest broad and strong statements to defect therein and between the ages between five and fifteen and that the best time for intercourse is late winter and early spring to provide green fodder and mild weather.

Natural insemination has two forms: -

1. Absolute vaccination: -
And is launching a set of stallion impregnates the female Maizhae them without control or assist one of this method is old and sterile, Valvhal often straining to hop on mares itself a couple of times, has Talpth females that do not want and can not be Vtgerha eugenics in this way.

2. vaccination restricted: -
It is the most widely used form because it exceeds the previous disadvantages and are maintenance of the female well by the bridle tight lists ropes so as not to be able to Kicking then led the stallion by the halter to it and prevents from jumping on the female before approaching them adequately in this case can groom that helps the horse in the performance of his work during intercourse.
And vary the number of freaks that can Ansoha horse that day.
Vsgar Age does not demand more than once while Qarih can be inoculated twice or three or attached in only 80% of female submission to male so it takes twice.
There is no doubt that the use of artificial insemination will sing breeders for breeding stallions and get the best specifications for birth using sperm taken from stallions tested and with excellent genetic traits considered artificial insemination the only way that leads to expedite the improvement of the quality of the animals and to increase its production and preventable of genital and real diseases , that artificial insemination for horses so far did not take his role in diameter.
The gestation period in horses ranging from 307-400 day and can see horses bearing the willingness of obesity and the large stomach and Dharaha high modesty heat and alter the installation of urine where launches pregnant mare in the pasture and it does not work stressful and be Alvha free of heavy-handed materials or corrupt in order to prevent abortion.
And he knows the approach of the situation with the horses of inflation udder and severity nipples and fall of the abdomen and atrophy loin and swelling of the vulva and exit means clingy him and disturbed the Persians at the start of a strike situation earth moving her hand back and forth because of uterine contractions at the start of the situation and take more than 10-15 minutes in regular cases.

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