Of the most important things that mean the girl in various stages of their lives and is willing to spend money and time in the care of it is the facial skin so that all girls dream of access to white skin soft glamorous at all costs it but wasted the effort useless in most of the time Bjeet that cosmetics be results are not guaranteed and temporariness in most of the time, but medical scientists extracted Alternative us some natural mixtures of herbs and pure materials from nature are guaranteed and proven in lightening the color of the face and get rid of the dark spots and the effects of grain and pimples and these herbs such as:
Thermos: Thermos of the body very useful herbs, especially for the skin it contains active ingredients in skin-lightening color is best mixtures that enable us to get the most out of a thermos benefit is mixing one teaspoon of lupine ground with a spoonful of rice ground and one teaspoon of bicarbonate and making a paste of them by hot water and put them on the skin for 15 minutes and then wash the face with lukewarm water and you'll notice the difference.
Olive oil: It is obvious to one of the benefits of olive oil that countless health and body, hair and skin and is a lot of respects, it is a very effective also in lightening skin color and show the results are evident in this mix paint the facial skin with olive oil, then knead the amount of starch with water and placed on the skin for 10 minutes it was wash the face with warm water and then with lukewarm water immediately and this mask can be used in the treatment of wide pores and pimples and effects will give you the desired results in the fastest time.
Wheat bran cereal: apostasy is the outer shell of the wheat that is extracted when grinding has Therapeutics scientists explained herbs that apostasy her highly effective in lightening the color of skin safely and fast to the content of bleached materials it is possible to make a mixture of apostasy, yogurt, lemon juice and put it on the skin for 30 minutes and then wash the face, this mask is a full mask so that a comprehensive apostasy open skin color and yogurt addresses the effects of grain, dark spots and lemon gives the skin feel moisturized and soft as silk.
We can not afford one article to enumerate the herbs and natural materials which are useful for the Board of whitening facial skin and take care of it and which has become the most important and surest of cosmetic preparations that exist in the market.
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