We want a white Asir
Mixtures of bleaching the skin:
First: the whiteness of fatty and normal skin:
1: one-third of tablespoons flour.
2: Two tablespoons of fresh milk.
3: The juice of one lemon.
Dress mixing ingredients well until homogeneous national and placing them on your face and for a period of twenty minutes a day.
Second, for bleaching the skin and serenity for all kinds of skins:
1: spoon VCs.
2: one teaspoon Vaseline.
3: spoon starch.
4: Spoon lemon.
5: a spoonful of honey.
6: tablespoon tahini.
7: a third of tablespoons of olive oil.
Dress mixing ingredients well to be in harmony and national-cum mixture in a cool place and nationalist-cum-daily on your face for a quarter to a third of an hour to an hour, more likely not to touch Ainacci.
Third: whitening mask for all skin types, and dry Caldhenneh and regular:
1: three medium tablespoons of chamomile.
2: Three bran flour.
3: Brewer's yeast spoon.
4: a spoonful of honey bees.
5: Spoon yogurt.
Dress mixing the ingredients well and Put a mask on your face for fifteen minutes and then rinsing the national lemon juice and one tablespoon of glycerin.
You must clean the face of a good make-up and dust and fat before you put the mask.
Fourth: to bleach the skin and get rid of spots:
1: three kernels of almonds.
2: one egg.
3: the amount of lemon juice teaspoon.
National peeling almonds and soak in water and then Athanih Make it add to it lemon juice paste and egg whites and well Akhltehm, nationalist put a layer of paste on the site and national spots by rinsing with warm water and then cold water after 15 minutes.
For white skin simple and available components These components of the recipe:
1 large hanging of pure olive oil
1 hanging milk or milk or (Ribe (
1 hanging of white honey
1 large hanging of rose water
The amount of flour
Preparation prescription method:
Mix all the above ingredients with each other and the volatility well, then add the flour in her last stage to become a mixture resembles cream or ready-catcher, which is placed on the skin
How to use :
Catcher is placed close to the skin on the face 15 minutes and then wash with clean water and then wipe with a piece of wet cotton with rose water, and Observe the beauty and splendor of your skin afterwards.
This is another recipe of quick recipes and preparation is very simple components, namely:
• peel medium-sized ripe oranges
• One liter of water
Preparation prescription method:
Put orange peels and water in a bowl and put on the fire to boil and then Ntefe was shot, and after 30 minutes we put it in a bottle and placed in the freezer for one hour
How to use :
Bdehnh is used on the face and hands after washing the face and dried until well absorbed by the skin recipe, the more you lotion dark the results were better, and we must face before Ndava be used.
The results show four days later.
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