More of the things that suffered by women are skin problems, and the most important skin stubborn pimples and blackheads problems, as women may need to work peeling session in order to get rid of dead skin on skin residue.
How can I make peeling face ???
There are things that must be done before before peeling face, foremost of which is the work of water and steam baths in order to facilitate and moisturizing facial peeling, and the water vapor is working to lighten the closed pores of the skin.
Action steam bath for the face method:
It is possible to work the steam bath in the beauty salon, as you do at home, where that is very easy and inexpensive never, as you will feel happier and you will feel Banke Hakgueta accomplish more.
Bring a saucepan and put them on fire and my right amount of water, and add to it a few herbs such as chamomile and other herbs for the skin and skin useful, as you can add a little cut vegetables such as thin slices of cucumber and a little parsley, much to the fire modes to be up to the stage boiling, much lift up from the fire and accidental face of the steam rising from the water pot, and you can use a towel to place it on your head in order to prevent water vapor from escalating in the air and the whole Anhsarh on your face layer.
It kept the same position until you begin to feel that the fat in your face began to unfreeze, even if Harta Balskhounh, the more water vapor bath Zdta become more moisture for the skin and open-minded.
Peel catches:
After the completion of the steam bath comes Peel stage, and you can use many of the natural nutrients in order to work peeling masks that are safer than those containing chemicals.
1) Mask coffee and strawberries:
National Behrs fruit strawberries well and then my guests a little coffee on them, and the national blending well that a coherent mixture such as the dough is made, national Pferdha on your face a little bit and left, and then face the massage in a circular motion for at least five minutes, and then leave it on the face for five minutes then re massage in circular and leave for a further five minutes, and ultimately Wash your face thoroughly with warm water and soap.
2) Mask honey and milk:
Mix the same amount of honey, milk and olive oil with a little salt, and national blending well that converge substantially with each other, and then Put a layer of them on wet skin, and national massage in a circular motion for at least 10 minutes, and then rinse the face with lukewarm water soap and appropriate for your skin type.
3) Mask lemon and sugar:
National status quantity of sugar with a little lemon juice, mixing well and put the little ones on the face of the well and then massage the face for 10 minutes with light massage of the face, and then national clean skin using lukewarm water and proper soap
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