Sunday, July 19, 2015

How do you remove the grain as soon as

Of the most common problems experienced by young people in adolescence problem of pimples, acne, and that hurt the shape of the face severely, has this problem embarrassment to its owner caused, resorting girls to use make-up to hide those pimples; which increases the severity of pimples, because the make-up clog pores open, and that this problem increases in adolescence in particular, any Fenrh after puberty, and this is due to the change in body hormones, and increased secretion of fat in the face.

The main reason is due to the appearance of acne to increase the secretion of fat in the face, accumulate fat in the pores, leading to its appearance in the form of blisters, so the first step to get rid of the grain is to remove the fat from the face, and by Tnziq skin from time to time using a soft soap or water for the face and the use of forceps to remove the fat and black pimples steam.

Acne sebaceous glands, which increases its activity by eating high-fat foods, and practiced by many adolescents, the most important fast-food-filled oils and fats, nuts and rich chocolate fat linked to, can not eliminate the grain problem, only through the reduction of the amount of fat in food that is being dealt with.

Usually turn a person with pills young people to Algeldion doctors in order to solve this problem, and most of what he describes as a doctor are antibiotics taken two photos, the first by tablets taken by mouth, so as to reduce the severity of internal inflammation, and fight bacteria from the inside, and the second image ointments paint directly on the grain to certain times, and that address and fights bacteria from Aforh, requires patience treatment of skin problems, the duration of treatment may take at least 6 months in chronic cases.

Some people have the whispers of Algeldion doctors, and prefer to use natural materials to treat acne, and skin problems on chemical materials and fixtures, today we present you with the most important recipes that help in getting rid of acne in a safe manner.

Egg mask: -

Helps eggs to alleviate acne significantly, it is used by separating the white from the yolk, and put white on the face immediately after clean it with warm water until the bloom pores, and leaves the catcher on the face for 20 minutes, and then washing the face well.

Apple cider vinegar: -

The apple cider vinegar is best in the fight against acne, where he works as an antiseptic for the skin, and a sterile, are wash skin well with warm water, and then dipping a piece of cotton in the vinegar, wipe the face, and leave for at least 10 minutes, and then wash the face with water, Vinegar helps get rid of dead skin.

One of the main tips that provide the person with acne: -

1. Avoid pemphigoid pill to take out what where, where some think that this way is the treatment of the grain more quickly, but the fact that this act increases the problem.

2. stay away from fatigue and stress, and psychological comfort helps a lot to get rid of acne, in addition to that to get away from the tension.

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