The most beautiful woman in the world body
Specifications and standards of beauty vary from country to country and from culture to culture, and also change with time, for example, when some peoples woman brown is the standard gravity, while at other peoples linked to the meaning of a woman's beauty skin blonde and blond hair, in addition to the difference in some of the criteria that were popular in the past, for example, was the most important standards of beauty to be the mouth of women's small, but in the present era, the standard of beauty is a wide mouth and lips Almmtlitan Almtertan, while the long hair has been and remains a constant standard of beauty for most people, but that in some villages of Africa, where Women must be bald even longer beautiful and attractive! And is a long-woman is a woman attractive and distinctive in America and Europe, while in China, Japan and Korea whenever the women are shorter because they are so beautiful they see her femininity and her paper! And many others of different criteria.
It is the beauty of women specifications to be her beautiful body, where a woman's body is femininity address and temptation and beauty, and is the body beautiful of the most important standards of beauty in men specifically, the man looks at a woman's body before it is considered to her face, and this is done spontaneously and instinctive way purely, feelings instinctive show where in the inside man, and a woman's body is usually a significant impact on its popularity and the amount of demand for them by men, the more the woman's body beautiful and more tempting it makes them the focus of attention wherever you go, in addition to that they have popular wide, and her body beautiful women more than others to compliment exposed and spinning and even harassment!
and standards that define the beauty of a woman's body are: • The first criterion, the beautiful neck, long and thin. • The second criterion, the emergence of the clavicle bones, and the greater the increase appearing beauty of a woman. • The third criterion, shoulders Allowasaan Almstakiman. • fourth criterion, arms Ataiwaltan Alnaamtan Almnsabtan and Cyrenaica, and long thin fingers. • the fifth standard, medium-sized chest, and harmonious with the rest of the body. • Benchmark the sixth, flat belly and tight, small waist and soft ocean. • seventh standard, hip but relatively large and disproportionate with the rest of the body. • eighth standard, legs and Ataiwaltan Alrviatan, and small soft foot.
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