Saturday, August 8, 2015

How become thin Female

The generosity of God Almighty women in Islam, and that will lift and position, they are pampered child in her family's house to grow up and become a virtuous wife and the perfect mother, they are the apple of the eye every home. Female thin in nature, touch the sense of transparency and aware of the utmost smoothness and professionalism, all the feelings and sensations, adoption in the folds of her heart weakness and defeat and perhaps refraction, not Tkona also dear but being thin and not weak, we must improve the discrimination between tenderness and vulnerability, Valrqh APEC has a heart beating for clemency on you, and your brother have a heart overflowing with his sympathy to you, and your husband to have a heart overflowing with love and passion for you. Asadi around you by making them smile while Ttoagdan and long for you while Tgben, rejoice, and the word of Hebrew with a smile, and the hearts of lovers of creating a family atmosphere of fun and Inshirah, and Onahihm happiness and forget about the worries and pitfalls, thin female cat:

Spontaneous: spontaneous female cat does not know how to representation, and everything that comes from them is an absolute good without booting any event it was.
Shy: not wisely taken from "the courage to break the door of shame" in all cases, and there Make exhibitors between them, all his time and circumstance and fairly, Accessories female modesty, and modesty lies in timidity and gently blushing cheeks and Wad and love.
Smart: When you're female real, honest with yourself before others, her imagination and art to understand and absorb things. Every action has a reaction, and to not react Oanha female film full of intelligence and pure taste, not MAKE intolerance drown out the femininity, Tasbk means Anfalk, and Anfalk means boarding your voice, and the female voice is only the canary warbling and Hassoun tweeted, So be smart.
Confident of yourself and Aaghi life in all its credibility, whatever you encounter obstacles and pitfalls should not Tnksri, female thin concept is strong and that's what do not realize other, and they believe that the female paper equals weakness and this is a misconception, Look for weekly your self-confidence to bring the femininity.
Eyak and vanity: it thwarts of your status as a female, and does not make its place in the heart of any man or any other person and that you are very beautiful or at the top of intelligence, the son of the modest house live in your hopes and your aspirations to Tterpaa on the throne of the hearts and Ttoja Queen Bhetwadek and Hassan creation.
Take care of your appearance outside: Draw yourself a painting, so Stbedwin? How Strsameen yourself? I am confident that you will be choosing the most prominent pens and brighter colors, female cat thin thin inside and outside, and is not wrong to Tlahaka fashion and trade our time, but Use your mind to it, it is not all that wears worn, choose what befits your highlights the femininity and Mvatenk preserves.
Strong: and not to the concept of domination and tyranny, then you have created from the rib of Adam's rib any man, your strength Look for weekly proper road.
Elegant: Shine politely your tongue and sweetness your behavior, and Connie stylish in your speech and in Dgk and in Mhitak and in Qnaatk, Qnaatk treasure and priceless Feltdjala eye always full nor empty the place, but you're filling people's eyes Byakotk studded taste and gratitude .
Bouchoucha: What Orkak O female Albchoch, Valaptsamp University spontaneity and intelligence and decency and all that said, why not! Smile and Look how your smile will bring you the hearts of those around you without any effort, Valrqh is only a smile, smiled dear ..

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