Saturday, August 8, 2015

Recipes to strengthen nails

Strong nails ergonomic shape adds to the beauty of a woman and her paper is an important factor to show her personality when many factors, leads calcium and protein deficiency in the body to pounding nails and lack of growth, in addition to a home business that cause weakness nails and bombed. There are several recipes easy and tried to strengthen nails and help them growth naturally, but you must pay attention to recipes that will not bear fruit only with the help of health habits to preserve the proteins and calcium in the body proper nutrition so that the whole body becomes a sound and healthy.

There is the beginning of foods are not free them of your trip and is very useful for the skin and nails, such as bananas, apples, olives, nuts option. In particular Abtala lobes of garlic a day on an empty stomach He works as a disinfectant for the stomach as well as the large interest of the nails, and generally must refrain from smoking and drinking soda water and drinking water frequently and preferably not be Mtga so as not to hurt the stomach.

It is natural recipes and easy and that help strengthen nails and maintain the moisture and smoothness, to confuse egg yolk with a teaspoon of sunflower oil, Akhltehm well until consists you have what looks like dough and grease out nails, and leave the mixture out to dry and then wash Adekke lukewarm water, and will It helps you repeat that recipe strengthen your nails and maintain moisture.

You can use the same above ingredients with the addition of apple cider vinegar to the mixture and stirring well, keep up the use of the recipe for two weeks, preferably stored in the refrigerator in between days of use.

To remedy the weakness of the nails Use apple cider vinegar with parsley, nationalist era of the amount of parsley and add the apple cider vinegar and using Qatanna national paint your nails and then rinse after two hours, three times a day for two weeks.

If found castor oil and olives in the House Mix equal amounts of the two types and grease your nails every day before going to sleep.

Use well water plus salt and lemon dip your fingers in it for ten minutes a day for a week and you'll notice the difference.

Finally nationalist rubbing your nails with garlic and left to dry, then rub with lemon.

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