God Almighty says: "We have created man in the best stature," says the bulk of the man who said: "Then Rddnah downfall," and that God is beautiful and loves beauty, it is known that the nose is a big part of the beauty of the face, but its accuracy and symmetry, consistency and lack of hyperbole in large size are all essential qualities of the qualities of beauty, and known physiology, that Members only in the human face and who Estmran in their growth and increase their volume two ears, nose, he would not be desirable to fill the nose half the face of the owner, and at the moment has become many people turn to for plastic surgery To minimize the nose and beautifying, men and women alike, and all classes and ages, but the surgery is expensive for many people, Aadak for fear some of the little pain and panic to the mere mention of them process name, what should he do big nose owner in this case?
There are natural solutions to minimize the nose without resorting to surgical cosmetic procedures, including the following:
1.aly top of those solutions, is the magical mix that experience proved its effectiveness and its ability to make a huge positive difference in this regard, a mixture of ground ginger mixed with a little water, and everyone knows what is owned by the ginger from a high capacity to absorb fat: ginger mixed with a little pure water until the mixture Mtkatva becomes, is neither liquid nor is Etev but a compromise between the two cases, and painted nose out before going to sleep and covered with a cloth or a clean bandage for the next morning, and continue this process for several days, and the impressive results you will see for yourselves, starting from the second day.
2. little mixing of the ring with a little oil and fat nose castor oil or face completely except the surrounding eye area for several days.
3.hnak also yeast mixture blended with milk or yogurt with honey, and painted them in the form of a full face mask, and have a clear impact on the Nose size.
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